Well, after a day of traveling, I've arrived! I left Pittsburgh "yesterday" morning at 10ish. There was absolutely no one at the airport, which was nice. Dad dropped me off, and I was through security in under 5 minutes. However, the first leg of my journey wasn't without incident. Walking toward the gate earlier, I'd noticed a sketchy-looking guy walking around without any carry-on luggage. Didn't really think anything of it though. However, a few minutes before takeoff, when we had already boarded the plane, two angry looking cops stormed into the cabin. They headed straight for my direction, and stopped two rows in front of me; at the sketchy-looking guy. They yelled at him to get up, and escorted him off. Later I heard one of the stewardesses mentioning that he had stolen something. Interesting start to the day.
From Pittsburgh I flew into Washington Dulles, where I had a 6-hour layover. Yes, 6 hours. It wasn't too bad, in retrospect. I spent a few hours finishing "The Watchmen" which I really enjoyed, more than the movie perhaps. A visually amazing literary and graphic novel word; it's no wonder Time named it one of the 100 best novels. Spent the rest of my layover watching a few episodes of Boston Legal, which I'm working through the first season, taking farewell phone calls (thanks Grandmere, Melody, and Laura <3).>

OH NO THERE WAS SO MUCH MORE TO THIS POST AND IT GOT DELETED!!! GAHHH!!! Oh man, idk how it got deleted. Ugchhh. Short summary; flights were good, slept some, got to Aix, host mom nice, named Dominique, other people staying with me, Swede named Thomas, American named Christopher. Really upset. Blogger deleted like half my post!
Le mot du jour (word of the day) -- décalage horaire (jet lag)

P.S. if you're anxious to send me something, you can send it to me through Dominique:
Dominique Scherb
Parc Beaumanoir, 2 rue Marcel Arnaud Bt 5/1
13100 Aix-en-Provence
Scratch that. If you want to send mail, send it to:
Noah Simmons
IAU, 2 bis rue du Bon Pasteur,
13625 Aix-en-Provence,
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